So I thought I should probably give some background on Ramadan. So they follow the moon cycle for all their holy days and Feasts. Ramadan ended right before the feast and they fast from sunrise to sunset(for about 30 days) and then have a big feast right at sunset called an Iftar. We have been invited to one and the food was very very good. I have also now tried both Turkish and Arabic coffee. Ew. lol The tea however is very tasty. We were invited to someone's home (a couple weeks ago) for tea/coffee and we met the whole family. The 13 year old boy totally had a crush on me. He kept saying "excuse me" and asking me a bunch of questions about me. Like what kind of movies I like and he said if it gets late that I could stay there. lol His sister was asked if she had to pick one of us four to stay who would she pick...and He pointed at me. Haha. He wasn't even asked. The grapes here have seeds and the apples are amazing. They also have a pastry that has nuts or cheese in it...the cheese one is weird but the one with nuts is so good. I don't like my cheese sweet. haha.
We have several inside jokes "Watch out! A rock!" This came about because they don't really have sidewalks here. If there is a sidewalk then it is covered in debris. haha. They are building a lot here in Amman because the city is growing from all the refugees. Another saying is "Have you tried the butt sprayer?" You should give it a shot!" I like the pun on that one. LOL. So that takes me to another topic...the toilets. They have three kinds. Regular, squatters, and bidet. Let me know if I need to explain any of those. lol Luckily at my school they have the regular kind.
The school is very nice. If you would like to know Our office is
the one with the monitor showing through the door. There are more offices on the wall to the left and down that hall and then some behind me down the hall the other way. I will put up more pictures once I take them. I will be working in the marketing department and also volunteering in the drama department. Currently I am starting a student yearbook committee which they have never had in the past. I am also helping with choir and musical theater. I was originally supposed to help with basketball but because of various reasons basketball was cancelled. So those that heard about me possibly going to Beijing...sorry but its not going to happen. :-( I am instead now helping with cross country and I LOVE the kids and they seem to like me. We are pretty much settled in the the school and getting used to how to get around by ourselves. We all miss everyone back in the states very much.
I hope everyone is enjoying reading this!
Thanks for the update, Amanda. The food in the photo looks delicious, and it sounds like you're becoming more familiar with the people and the area. The school appears to be very new and modern - it helps to have nice working conditions. Too bad about not going to China, but it sounds like you've got a lot going on in Amman! I look forward to more updates and photos! (Dave V)